Michael Kohn's Video Poker AppletUpdated December 4, 2010NOTE: IT CAN TAKE UP TO 10 SECONDS FOR JAVA TO START UP BEFORE THE APPLET WILL LOAD. ALSO, SOME VERSIONS OF MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER CONTAIN AN INCOMPATIBLE VERSION OF JAVA. IF YOU ARE USING IE, YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD THE SUN JAVA PLUGIN FROM: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html. Click on the "Download J2SE JRE" link from there. Rules: Press the "Change Bet" button the change your bet. Press the Deal button to deal out cards. Click on cards you don't want to keep. If you want the bring the card back, you can click on it again. Press the deal button again to deal new cards. Your payout is multiplied by how much you bet. The following payout table is used: If a card has a red mark under it, it is just a suggestion to keep that card. In the next couple days I plan on adding a self play mode which can keep track of stats to help show odds of each hand. This code is pretty fresh, so if you find a bug please let me know. Btw, the card shuffling algorithm is 100% random and the cards are shuffled every time you ask for a fresh hand. This applet was updated March 15, 2005 to allow Aces to be considered low also. So now Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five is a straight (I didn't know this was true before for Video Poker).
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