MSP430FG4619 LCDPosted: May 6, 2012 Introduction I got this Olimex MSP430-4619LCD because 1) it had an MSP430 that has the MSP430X instruction set that I needed to test naken_asm with and 2) it was on sale because I believe they aren't selling it anymore. Kind of a shame because it's a pretty decent board. My only complaints are the LCD doesn't look so nice, although that could be because it needs some adjustments, and also there aren't debug LED's or such. I was able to use msgdebug to upload my hexfiles through the TI FET when the code was small, but for some reason when I added my image and the hex file got big, this stopped working. I had to use the Olimex JTAG-TINY and the Olimex software to program it. This project isn't done yet. I plan to add multiple pictures that will run over the 64k boundary to prove the assembler is working... Related Projects Pictures Here's the Olimex MSP430-4619LCD board with my face on it :). Source code
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