Naken Chat
Naken Chat is a chat server I've been working on since 1998 or so. I
originally wrote the program in Java, but soon after converted it to
pure C. It's one of my first programs, so there are some kind of ugly
programming practices I did back then in this program, but for the most
part it's pretty decent. It's very small (around 50k) and has many
features including:
- SSL support (as of version 3.0) with ncic and other clients
- Translated to several languages
- Private channels created by anyone (with channel-ops)
- Channel locking to not allow unwanted visitors in
- Channel squelching to make annoying people in your channel shut up
- Gagging to make annoying users not be able to write to you
- Private messages
- User levels
- Idle users can be knocked offline after an idle period
- Username/Password file in txt or sqlite so only known people can log in
- Site Banning
- Sysop (special power) functions
- Cross channel yelling so users in one channel can send a message to people
in all the channels
- Hushing Yells so a user won't see any messages that were yelled
- If user types too much too fast they are bumped offline
- Internationalization (so Swedish/Norweigan/Hebrew/Arabic/etc. chars work)
- If you type: .w<number> it will give you only that line number
or .w<string> would filter for that string
- Chat Logging
- Ability to hide IP's (for security)
- Sysop hiding
- Time stamping
Try It
I keep a chat server open for me and my friends plus anyone who wants
to test it (or meet us). You can test it by connecting to
on port 6666 with either telnet or putty (using RAW sockets), using the
old chat applet (if
you have Java installed in your browser), or by using one of the
downloadable clients below.
nakenchat-3.00b1.tar.gz (server beta)
nakenchat-2.22.tar.gz (server) (Windows 9x/NT/XP/etc)
Copyright 1997-2024 - Michael Kohn