E-Ink ThermometerPosted: January 7, 2018 Introduction I grabbed on of these fairly cheap Waveshare 1.54inch e-Paper modules recently to play around with. I decided hook it up to an MSP430G2231 and use some code I already had written to read from a DS18B20 thermometer module to display the temperature. The E-Ink module is designed to run at 3.3v, but it seems to do okay with 2 AAA batteries (3v). The firmware is designed to grab a new temperature reading around once a minute and update the display showing the temperature in Celsius. The firmware's source code is posted below and assembles with naken_asm. Pictures Here's a picture of the circuit running next to an alarm clock I bought that has its own thermometer in it. The temperatures of both are agreeing within typically 0.2 degrees C. In this picture they are matching. Related Projects @mikekohn.net
Source code
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