LED MenorahPosted: December 4, 2012 Introduction This is just a simple hannukah menorah circuit made out of an MSP430G2231 microcontroller. The firmware that controls the LED's flicker them so they appear to glow brighter and dimmer. A single push-button is used to select the day. The circuit runs on 3.3v (in my case 2 AA batteries). I'm tempted to leave it running for 8 days to see if by some miracle the 2 AA's will last that long (my calculations tell me not even close) :). The source code I included below assembles with naken_asm. Related Projects @mikekohn.net
Video A video of what the menorah would look like on day 8. https://youtu.be/TcMVTJSN0qU Pictures Here's a picture of clay menorah drying. To hold the LED's I used some plastic tubing. Inside the menorah I used some extra tubing (and pat of a losing lottery ticket) to hold it up while it was drying. At the base of the menorah I signed my name in the clay. Here's a picture of the circuit board. The final product lit up like the 8th day. Schematic Source code
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